Monday, September 26, 2011

Grandma Knows...

What lovely weather we are having at the moment - perfect for getting outdoors!

Grab a book (or two), a rug and some lunch and head off to the local park for a free day that will keep everyone happy - and tire the kids out by the end of it!

This week's REaDspot features a Grandma who knows what books kids like - and how to introduce books with chapters to younger children.

I have come across a wonderful book called "Animal Exercises-Poems to keep fit (by Mandy Ross)" and thought I'd share with you one here about Tree Frogs

Actions are encouraged - the more outrageous ones your kids can come up with the better!

Tree Frog

Frogs like leapfrog,
We love to leap.
We're always leaping
(unless we are asleep0.
I leap over you,
Then you leap over me.
Frogs like leapfrog,
As anyone can see!

Have a great week everyone - and REaD to each other!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mem outFOXes Us....

The sun is shining and it's a loveyl day to be outdoors, lying on the grass in the sun - with a good book in hand, of course!

However, this week we've had Mem Fox in the paper - check it out below! You can get your own copy from the Rouse Hill Stanhope Gardens News if you'd like!

Things are looking exciting for our Dads 'n' Kids morning too - more information to come shortly!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Paint The Hills REaD

Hellooo again!

It has been a long time since we have blogged anything - oops! But, we are here, we are back blogging and we have some wonderful things to tell you all about.

Paint The Hills REaD has arrived!

Research shows that if a child can recite 8 nursery rhymes by the age of 4 that he/she will most likely be a successful reader!

Read To Your Child
Sing To Your Child
Talk To Your Child
Play with Your Child

Paint The Hills REaD is a community initiative that is focused on early literacy for all children, beginning from birth, but no matter what age!

We will be having a Dads 'n' Kids Story and Music Morning day at Vinegar Hill Library on Saturday 19th November as a part of this great community program. For more info, contact Emma at (02) 8805 7207 - more infomation to come though!

Keep your eyes out for this fellow.....

 ..because wherever you see it, that means that something for Paint The Hills REaD is happening!